Snickers/Dr. Pepper Refuel Sweepstakes
Don’t run on empty this summer! Fuel up with Snickers & Dr. Pepper. This summer-long program is a Walmart-exclusive sweepstakes and gives shoppers the opportunity to win their choice of a $100 Walmart gift card or $100 Walmart gas card. There will be details available around the store including cooler clings on the beverages cases, shelf talkers by the candy bars at check out, advertising on check out TV, banner advertising and more.
Check out the program details:
BUY: Two (2) Snickers-to-Go bars AND Two (2) 20 oz. Dr. Peppers at Walmart.
SNAP: A photo of your receipt and email or text it to a TPG website for validation.
ENTER TO WIN: You will be entered in a sweepstakes for a chance to win one of 250 $100 Walmart gas or gift cards to be awarded the week of 10/6. No purchase necessary.